Science journalism

I’m very interested in the intersections between science, technology and society, and have had the opportunity to explore these through various writing, editing and podcasting projects. In 2024, I was shortlisted as a finalist for the Institute of Physics Early Career Physics Communicators Prize.

Podcasting & radio

My journey into audio started in 2020, when I relaunched the Cambridge University Science Magazine BlueSci‘s podcast together with Ruby Coates, which we produced together for two years. From 2021 to 2024, I was a co-founder and co-host of the official University of Cambridge Physics Department’s podcast, People Doing Physics. I also hosted an episode of the university’s Say That Again, Slowly podcast for the 2023 Cambridge Festival. My work with these podcasts has included scriptwriting, audio editing, creative production, and digital marketing, as well as hosting over 40 episodes and interviewing more than 50 guests!

Between 2023-2024, I worked as a collaborator for the Faktoria Magazina programme on Euskadi Irratia, the Basque Country’s public broadcast radio, where I researched, wrote, and delivered 20 live radio segments discussing science and technology.


I was an editor for the two inaugural issues of the Cambridge Journal of Science and Policy, and copy-editor for Cambridge University Science Magazine (BlueSci) (2020-2021). During my undergraduate degree I served on the editorial team of the Edinburgh University Science Magazine (EUSci) for four years in various roles, including as Editor-in-Chief for two issues (2018-19).

Elhuyar Aldizkaria
Chemistry World
Massive Science
Cambridge University Science Magazine (BlueSci)
Edinburgh University Science Magazine (EUSci)